The LemRx Stealth Sales System (SSS):
For a variety of reasons some Sellers want to sell their properties quietly or "under the radar". Sometimes it's due to a tax holding period, sometimes it's due to the Seller not wanting their competition or the tenant knowing that the property is for sale, and sometimes its simply for privacy reasons. Whatever the reason LemRxMed can get the property sold for top dollar using the LemRxMed "Stealth Sales System" which includes:
Purchasing the property ourselves as "principals";
Marketing the property with no address (or sometimes no price);
Using "generic" ads with similar information but in a nearby city or state;
Sending the information to a select direct group of qualified buyers; and more. Please call or email us for details.
Whether you utillize the LemRxMed Stealth Sales System to add "SSSizzle" to your sale OR whether we use tradtional marketing methods to market your property to our proprietary database, LemRxMed will get you top dollar for your property in the shortest time, with the fewest headaches, and we protect your privacy in the transaction. Please call our office (925) 263-2088, mobile (925) 404-4988 or email us